Gov. Hickenlooper wants to run for president, or vice president, with Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich, reports noted political pundit Mike Allen from inside the Beltway.

“The Johns,” as they are now being referred to, are gaining momentum through their joint media appearances, and by all indications John Kasich will be on top of the ticket, Allen writes.

This whole health care policy sham they’ve been pushing is part of the plan, giving them access to the national media.

They also plan to expand their talking points to jobs and immigration, and present their independent selves as the “no labels” dream team.

It’s not news to us that Hick wants an office in the White House. He’s reportedly already planning a trip to New Hampshire.

But it is surprising that the Democratic governor is planning to abandoning his own party to achieve his ambitious goal. And, that his disfavor with his own party would be leaked so soon.

If that is the plan, and we’ll know for certain as soon as the plane wheels touch down in the Granite State, then Hick should dispense with the deceit and announce his party switch now.