An interesting tidbit of news slipped out of the Club 20 meeting over the weekend, which was attended by the Western Slope congressional delegation including U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner and U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton — minus U.S. Michael Bennet.
We really wish a cardboard cutout of Bennet’s picture had been erected in his absence, but we digress.
Channel 11 news reported that the impacts of the Endangered Species Act was the main topic, and how it’s interfering more with the economy than actually helping species that are almost extinct to thrive once more.
One of those animals here in Mesa County that is on the list for a critical habitat is the yellow billed cuckoo, which is a common bird in the east, but has become rare here in the west.
That is exactly what is wrong with the law. It’s not about preserving a species in danger of extinction, it’s about stopping development of housing, destroying ranches and eliminating fuel to power our homes and entire economy.
It’s not enough that a species is thriving on one side of the road, environmentalists want the species to cross the road where it can do the most harm to our economy.