Jared Polis wants voters to know he will not be “accepting” money from political action committees in his campaign for governor.
We found this at the bottom of a story announcing that the Colorado State Conference of Electrical Workers had endorsed Polis.
(Editor’s note: This story was updated to include that Polis won’t accept money from political action committees.)
Judging by his fundraising history running for the 2nd Congressional District, this won’t be much of a sacrifice.
The campaign financing watchdog, opensecrets.org, reports that PACS haven’t offered much support since Polis was first elected in 2008. He’s always had to contribute most of his money to get elected each cycle.
Here’s the breakdown:
2008: $7.3 million raised, $5.9 million from his own wallet, $24,250 from PACS.
2010: $1.2 million raised, $835,000 from his own wallet, $2,000 from PACS
2012: $1.1 million raised, $385,000 from his own wallet, $1,000 from PACS
2014: $1.1 million raised, $438,000 from his own wallet, $1,000 from PACS
2016: $1.3 million raised, $480,000 from his own wallet, zero from PACS