Nobody puts State Rep. Steve Lebsock in a corner – especially not the throngs of people calling for his resignation due to potential sexual harassment charges from a female elected colleague. Oh, and he’s not quitting the state Treasurer’s race either. Here is part of Lebsock’s statement from earlier this evening (we’ve highlighted the good parts, you’re welcome):
“There have been a number of threats made towards me after the allegations were reported in the press. Two individuals have offered me jobs if I resign. One is a Facebook friend of Faith Winter. The other is a prominent figure in democratic Colorado politics. I believe asking me to resign and offering a job as a reward for that resignation is telling. Faith Winter is currently one of two democratic candidates running for the State Senate seat that democrats must “flip” in order for democrats to take control of the Colorado State Senate. Republicans currently hold a 18-17 majority in the Colorado State Senate. There will be immense pressure on many to accept the allegations as reported in the press because of the priority to flip this seat in 2018 and to get this situation in the rear view mirror as quickly as possible. However, a quick resignation for “the good of the party”, although expedient for some in political circles will not allow for fair fact finding and due process. There are some who asked for my resignation literally within hours of the allegations and before I have had an opportunity to tell my side of the story. Taking the alleged incidents seriously and respecting due process is imperative. It is important that the entire truth be revealed to Colorado citizens. Some of the alleged incidents have been significantly exaggerated. Other accusations are completely false. I renew my ask for patience and allow the fact finder, who gets assigned, to do her/his job. I have documented my side of the story and dated it. I chose to do this early on in the process.”
So, Lebsock was offered a job to drop out of the state Treasurer’s race? That doesn’t sound shady in the slightest. Neither does Lebsock’s accusation that there are some within the Democratic Party who are eager to put this “situation” behind them. You know, instead of getting justice for the victim, right?
Remember, Colorado ladies, Democrats aren’t as interested in advocating for women as much as they are interested in winning elections – and that includes Lebsock.