Energy in Depth covers happenings in the oil and natural gas industry, but rarely is the blog an occurrence itself. On Friday, the blog posted a story claiming that fracktivists’ political theater was losing steam. Fair point. Unless you’re a fractivist. Apparently, the post pissed off some fractivists because they vowed real action in the comments of the post.
Is that a threat of violence or perhaps destruction? You may recall, PeakNation, that earlier this year, fractivists penned an op-ed to the Boulder Daily Camera suggesting that fractivists were justified in harming oil and natural gas workers as well as damaging personal property. From the post earlier this year:
“The Daily Caller still has the original wording that was published and left on the website unaltered for at least a day before someone at the paper realized that First Amendment rights don’t include a call to blow up wells and kill workers.
“If the oil and gas industry puts fracking wells in our neighborhoods, threatening our lives and our children’s lives, then don’t we have a moral responsibility to blow up wells and eliminate fracking and workers?” Andrew O’Connor wrote in a letter to the paper’s editors.
“The letter was edited the following day to read “don’t we have a moral responsibility to take action to dissuade frackers from operating here?”
Is this what the EID commenter is referring to? Blowing up wells and eliminating fracking and workers? Seems like a slight overreaction.