Democratic leaders in the state legislature may drag their feet when dealing with a man accused of sexually harassing women, but if a woman makes a dumb, sexist remark about another woman on social media, Bam! They are forced to resign.

Such is the case with Carla Massaro, who is being forced to resign from her post with the Larimer County Democratic Party for her stupid wisecrack against another female of the Democratic persuasion, Rebecca Cranston who is running for a state Senate seat.

Massaro’s offending remark came in a Facebook post, in support of Cranston’s Democratic primary opponent:

“Ralph (Trenary) is more than a pretty set of bare legs with no substance above them. … He actually has real data and knowledge behind current events and issues that are important to Northern Colorado citizens.”

The reaction from James Thompson, local party chairman:

“This egregious sexist language is unacceptable for anyone, let alone a party officer, and goes against the very core values for which the Democratic Party has fought and continues to fight,” Thompson said.

And what is that core value they are fighting so hard to protect?

“It also is a potential violation of her responsibility to support all Democratic candidates in Senate District 15, and therefore we cannot be confident that she will faithfully fulfill her role as SD-15 Chair.”


If Massaro had made the same comment about a Republican woman running for office, the outcome would be quite different. The sexist remark would have been swiftly shared on Facebook by other Democratic men and women, just doing their patriotic duty to trash Republicans.