Yesterday, we wrote about Democratic State Sen. Daniel Kagan (aka, the Bathroom Bandit, the Potty Pirate, the Restroom Raider and more), who has a habit of using the locked women’s bathroom at the State Capitol (rumor has it when he’s inebriated). It makes grown women uncomfortable and threatens young female visitors, like Owen Hill’s daughters, who should never, ever have to share a bathroom with a grown man.
Kagan claims it was one time, but the folks at the Capitol have assured us that it’s a regular habit. The discomfort of Kagan’s victims means nothing to Democrats who have urged supporters to ignore these disturbing transgressions. Here’s what spokesman for the Colorado Democratic Party Spokesman Aurora Sentinel Editorial Page Editor Dave Perry wrote about the complaint filed against Kagan:
“There’s no claiming this is just a partisan issue after House Democrats set fire to Lebsock, one of their own. Key Senate Republicans just don’t think pervy elected officials are anything more than an inconvenience that only voters should deal with. They miss the entire point of the #MeToo movement. They don’t get that this is beyond insulting and degrading. It’s an abuse of their power and positions as elected officials. It really should be a crime.”
We know that Perry gets his talking points often from folks like Colorado Democratic Party Chairwoman Morgan Carroll. The fact that he just confirmed the narrative that we accused Democrats of trying to set (look, it’s not partisan, we ousted one of our own – although, it was one that was a pain in the a$$ for Democrats), is really telling.
The fact that Perry, along with Democratic Minority Leader Lucia Guzman, is trying to sweep this under the rug is disgusting. And the fact that no prominent Democrat is willing to stand up to Mayor Michael Han(d)cock who now stands accused of sexually harassing a member of his security detail after being accused of visiting prostitutes is appalling.
We don’t condone any of this behavior, but until Democrats ouster one of their beloved politicians – not former Rep. Steve Lebsock who was a thorn in their side – we aren’t convinced this is not “just a partisan issue.”
Democrats have no moral high ground on #MeToo issues, just excuses.