Democrats think the governor’s race is all about #metoo — the movement sweeping the nation denoting that someone has experienced sexual assault or harassment.
For a Twitter hashtag movement, it certainly gained traction and has become an awareness campaign for victims. But is it enough to sway a gubernatorial election in Colorado?
Cary Kennedy seems to think so
“I see women all over the state motivated and getting involved, getting engaged because they’re frustrated. They’re mad at the president. They want to see women treated better,” the former state treasurer told Colorado Politics. “They want to see equality, with women represented in leadership positions, and they’re engaging in the political process like I’ve never seen before.”
Voters may say publicly they support a candidate because they think it will help others.
But the cold, harsh reality of politics is that elections have always been won on a “me campaign,” as in, “what have you done for me lately?”
In other words, the candidate’s actual accomplishments that affected me and what are the candidate pledges to perform in office that affects me? Specifically, how will it affect my wallet, my ability to perform my job, educate my kids, enjoy my retirement?
In other words, $MeToo.
Of course women would like to see the first woman elected governor. But they’re not so shallow as Democrats seem to think, that they will base their decision solely on this criteria without considering the other me factors that include their wallets and ability to make a living.
Just ask Hillary Clinton.