California billionaire Tom Steyer told the Denver Post in an exclusive interview that he is not focused on Colorado politics this election season.
He has bigger fish to fry, like impeaching President Trump and stacking Congress with Democrats.
We thought we were off the hook, ready to breathe a sigh of relief, but it turns out that just because Steyer is not focused on Colorado, it doesn’t mean he’s going to stop meddling or pouring money into races that just so happen to be in Colorado.
Steyer wants to take control of the state Senate from Republicans, and to do that he is collaborating with his environmental buddies over at the League of Conservation Voters to raise money for Faith Winter and Tammy Story. Steyer also contributed the maximum amount to both women.
On the state House side, Steyer and his buddies are raising money to reelect Jeff Bridges, Tony Exum and Barbara McLachlan.
Oh, and Steyer is also raising money for Boulder Democrat Joe Neguse, who is running for U.S. Rep. Jared Polis’s seat while Polis runs for governor.
There’s no money yet in governor’s race — that will likely come after the Democratic primary.
Steyer is also targeting potential anti-gun voters in Colorado high schools to register them to vote. That’s part of a $1.5 million effort across 10 states including Colorado.
What Steyer is not stamping his name on, are any potential ballot measures to block oil and gas development. Any money towards those efforts will likely travel from one of Steyer’s pockets, through the back door of national environmental groups that are more than willing to take on his fig$t.
We suspect Steyer is tired of losing face and major campaigns, but still wants to exert control over Colorado Democrats.