We call Jared Polis a tax and spend liberal at least once a month.
The spending part he brags about himself, but he’s not so boastful when it comes to his votes against giving us a break and cutting taxes.
Granted, Congress doesn’t offer tax cuts very often, that’s why we get so frustrated when Polis passes up those chances and votes so often to tax us.
Here’s a review of Polis’s tax cut record on major votes over the last decade.
Polis voted no:
2018: Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act
2018: Bipartisan Budget Act
2017: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
2015: Consolidated Appropriations Act
2015: Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act
2015: Protect Medical Innovation Act
2015: Death Tax Repeal Act
2015: State and Local Sales Tax Deduction Fairness Act
2015: America’s Small Business Tax Relief Act
2015: America Gives More Act
2014: American Research and Competitiveness Act
2014: Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act
2013: Require Congressional Approval Prior to Establish Tax on Carbon Emissions
2013: Budget Levels for Fiscal Year 2015 through 2023
2012: Pathway to Job Creation Through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act
2012: Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act
2012: Repeal Excise Tax on Medical Devices
2012: Income Tax Deduction for Small Businesses
2012: Limit Federal Appropriations for fiscal years 2013-2022
2011: Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Extension
2011: Reduce Payroll Taxes and Unemployment Benefits
2010: Small Business Lending Fund and Tax Law Amendments
2010: Senate Jobs Bill
Polis voted Yes:
2018: Family Service Act
2013: Federal Employee Tax Accountability Act
2013: Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act
2012: Extends Payroll Tax Cut
2010: Temporary Extension of Tax Relief
2010: Amending the Estate Tax
2010: Temporary Extension of Tax Relief
2009: TARP
Polis also supported at least four tax bills in 2008 and 2009 because each bill included extensions of unemployment benefits.
Also, Polis appears to have skipped a major vote on whether to require inclusion of Social Security benefits in calculations of modified adjusted gross income.
Polis has voted down 23 tax cuts while supporting just eight measures, plus the unemployment benefit rider on four other bills.
The only tax cut he’s supported in the last five years is one this year, after he decided to run for governor.
Pretty frightening, isn’t it? Looks like Polis might have even been for tax cuts early in his career before he was against them.
The key takeaway here is that we can expect a Governor Polis to be just as greedy in keeping our hard-earned money as he is as a congressman.