Jason Crow is having a tough time adjusting to life as a congressman-elect.

It’s been less than a month since he was elected, but already he’s telling us to stop focusing on what he has to do right now, and instead dream about the many things he would like to see magically happen.

Beginning Wednesday, House Democrats begin meetings that could extend into Thursday to vote on their leadership.

Crow’s campaign promise to oppose Nancy Pelosi for speaker, he doesn’t think that’s very important.

Jason Crow wants the focus of his new congressional job to be on his district, not his opposition to Pelosi

Crow’s top priorities for Washington will include strengthening voting rights, passing gun reform legislation and solving DACA

Uhm, yeah. That’s great and all, but Congress isn’t working this week, or the remaining year, on voting rights for folks who don’t have the right to vote, gun bans, or amnesty for illegal aliens.
The work at hand, is electing their leadership.

We promise you Mr. Crow, that if and when those issues actually arise, it will have our complete attention.

But for now, your duty is to elect leaders, and you have a duty to tell us honestly afterwards who you voted for.