According to a Denver Channel 7 report, the state of Colorado has some ‘splaining to do about the whereabouts of millions of dollars, but when asked to produce documents that illustrate this issue, the state said “nope.”
Here’s the gist. Channel 7 received a letter that encouraged Channel 7 to pursue a Colorado Open Records Act to gain access to reports called “Climate Surveys” that allegedly could substantiate accusations of waste and abuse.
“A department spokesperson had told Contact7, in part, that “release … would result in substantial injury to the public because it would limit the Department of Revenue’s ability to internally seek and provide uninhibited opinions” from employees. The department also said release of the hundreds of candid, anonymous employee comments in the surveys could potentially identify each comment’s author.”
Channel 7 disputes these claims in its piece and the news station’s lawyer says the Department of Revenue should produce the documents.
We agree. If the Department of Revenue has nothing to hide, then, turn over the documents. Otherwise, we’re left to assume the worst about what they contain. Actually, just kidding, we already assume the worst. Prove us wrong.