Liberals have preached for years that Coloradans don’t need to own guns.

They’ve insisted we should just call the police to protect us from criminals.

Well not anymore!

That rotten apple of a cop from Minnesota has spoiled the whole barrel, so after weeks of protests and vandalism, the liberal mob has finally made their demands — defund the police.

Because if we stop budgeting tax dollars for public safety uses like the police who just go around arresting criminals or coming to the aid of citizens who have been robbed, raped, assaulted or so forth, then never again can the tragedy occur of a suspect being killed by a police officer.

The Denver City Council is now echoing those calls to defund — they don’t want police just punishing people or treating criminals like criminals and such.

Schools are also buckling to the political correctness de jour of banishing police and want them removed from schools.

At some point, we hope folks remember why we have police there in the first place.

But this is an election year so we expect police departments across the state and the country will be cut to shreds in communities led by Democrats.

Meanwhile, those of us who didn’t toss our guns and abandon our 2nd Amendment rights when the liberal trend was to let the police do all the heavy lifting, we’ll be okay.

We can still defend ourselves, our family, and our home.

The rest of you, we wish the best of luck when dialing 911 in the future for the Department of Unicorns and Social Worker to stop a home invasion in progress.