Beltway insiders got their first look at Senator-elect John Hickenlooper this week, which coincidently mirrored the kind of representation Colorado can come to expect — nonexistent.

One of the dinosaur news wires captured this photo for prosperity of the first meeting of freshman lawmakers with Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer.

There’s four names and only three senators, and the first one on the left is most certainly not Hickenlooper.

Did the photographer fail to notice Hickenlooper and crop him out of the photo, or exclude him from the shot altogether?

Or was Hickenlooper merely keeping up his record as a no-show and failed to even make the trip for the meeting because his campaign still has him locked up in the basement?

Whatever happened here, it speaks volumes about the impact Hickenlooper will have and what Coloradans can expect to get with his sorry excuse for representation — completely unnoticed.