The Colorado GOP is about five months away from party chairman elections but the Denver Post is still mainlining election news and eager to start an intraparty squabble so they’re burning up phone lines looking for challengers to U.S. Rep. Ken Buck.

The Post says a party spokesperson has confirmed Buck will not seek a second term.

Party Vice Chair Kristi Burton Brown said it “would be premature for anyone to get out there and campaign for a position when the focus should be building the party.”

Of course the Post doesn’t care about building this particular party, they want Republican Party infighting and they want it now!

Long story short, the Post persuaded Burton Brown to go on record that she will run for party chair, and former Secretary of State Scott Gessler says he is also considering a run.

If there are other contenders, they’re not returning the newspaper’s emails or phone call.

Because it’s too early.