The romance between Weld County and Wyoming escalated this week when Republican Gov. Gordon reciprocated the energy-rich county’s advances and hinted they go on a date to explore a permanent relationship.

Could this mean a divorce from Gov. Polis and the rest of the state?

Many Weld Countians have been entertaining ideas of secession since last year.

Now that Gordon says he would support a ballot measure to explore the relationship further, Weld County commissioner Scott James has penned a “Dear Jared” letter and shared it on Facebook.

Heartbreaking, that’s how James summed up the State of Colorado’s abusive relationship with Weld County:

But lately, my county is not feeling loved. At every angle and every turn, sir, you attack our way of life. Your policies threaten our jobs, our businesses, our farms, and our ranches. Legislation contemplated by your colleagues under the gold dome seems to ignore your rural neighbors to the north and favor a metro-centric way of life. 


We’re independent and we’re proud. We love our families, our businesses, our farms, our ranches, our oil patches, our pickup trucks, and our God. We love our life and we love our livelihoods and really all we want is to be left alone. 

Polis tried to show a little love, but all he offered were some sad-looking, hand-picked daisies when the situation clearly called for a dozen roses.

Now that Weld County has hiked their skirt and shown Wyoming a little leg, an interesting relationship could develop. Stay tuned to see who swipes right, first.