In 100 years, we could never be convinced Gov. Polis finally surrendered his authoritarian, state of emergency COVID-19 rule for any reason other than the MLB All-Star Game festivities begin in (checks watch) 42 hours.
Nonetheless, Woo freaking Hoo.
Some 400 executive orders Polis issued in the last 16 months have been rescinded, and although the 26th disaster emergency declaration was scheduled to expire on Saturday, Polis canceled it early because (checks calendar) the MLB All-Star Game festivities kick off Saturday at 8 a.m.
State Senate Republican leaders had this to say about Polis’s surrender:
“This is something we’ve been advocating for on behalf of our constituents for some time now,” said Sen. Paul Lundeen of Monument, Republican whip.
“Every meeting we’ve had with the governor has been punctuated with an inquiry as to when he would finally lift the order and declare this pandemic over in the State of Colorado. We’re glad to see he finally has agreed to turn this dark page in our history,” Lundeen said.
“Coloradans have waited for this moment for a year and a half,” said Sen. John Cooke of Greeley, assistant Senate leader. “They suffered through watching those they love die from a mysterious illness, they lost their jobs, and they struggled in isolation. Then, as modern medicine stepped in, they stood in line to get their vaccine, they returned to work, and their kids returned to school. It was time to let them know that this pandemic is over.”
Colorado’s long nightmare is over.
Let’s play ball!