If you’re wondering what the Green New Deal would mean for you, look no further than your utility bill this winter.

Folks across Colorado and the rest of the country are bracing for gas and utility bills that are expected to be sharply higher this winter.

Soaring natural gas prices are expected to hit a range of utilities across the state, according to the Colorado Sun.

Rising gas charges will push the average Xcel consumer’s cost up more than 14% in the last three months of this year, while gas bills in some areas served by Black Hills Energy will go up 50%. Atmos Energy and Colorado Natural Gas have also filed gas cost increases ranging from 11% to 24% for the average residential consumer in peak winter months. 

Democrats’ Renewable Energy Standard and state-mandated Transportation Electrification Plan will also add to increased energy bills.

It doesn’t appear Gov. Polis or the White House has any near term answers to help consumers with these price increases.

If Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s reaction to high gas prices is any indication, increasing domestic fossil fuel production is off the table.

The Biden administration seems to revel in the higher cost of energy sources they’ve vowed to eliminate.

Blaming OPEC for fossil fuel shortages doesn’t make a lot of sense considering this same White House implemented a moratorium on issuing new federal energy leases earlier this year. The Biden administration was forced to renew lease sales this summer, but they are appealing the ruling in federal court.

Price increases for utilities and gas come on top of already climbing inflation across a range of consumer staples like groceries and household goods.

And Democrats are okay with this.