The reporter covering business and the outdoors for the Colorado Sun was shocked to discover that high country ski resorts are jam-packed during the Christmas and New Year holiday with tourists.
To top it off, it snows up there! A lot! And when tourists go telemarking down I-70, crashes occur, road closes.
Quelle horreur!
But wait, there’s more.
Apparently, a pandemic has been visited upon the world for two years now and it has created unique problems.
It’s difficult to understate the enormity of the clusterfuck that is the Colorado high country right now. Holiday crowds. Limited staff. Raging corona cases. Big snow. Closed roads. Cancelled flights. Party time! Come on up! Stand in line, get sick & stuck.
— Jason ☀️ Blevins (@jasonblevins) December 29, 2021
Welcome to the high country in the time of COVID.
There is a spike of reported COVID cases following the Christmas holiday, but the severity of those cases is unknown.
With Gov. Polis cracking the whip on the populace to get tested, tested, tested, one should expect the number of reported cases to rise, which it did on Wednesday to 8,600 cases statewide.
The whole point of getting tested is so folks will know to quarantine to stop the spread. So a high case number is not necessarily an indicator of doom.
But some commenters on Blevins tweet were in a panic anyway over a spike of cases in Summit County, where residents and tourists are waiting in line at three different sites for hours to get tested.
According to the county’s website, the incidence rate over the past seven days was 1,828 cases per 100,000 people.
Word must have gotten out about all the free condoms available in Breckenridge for the unvaccinated and now they’re flocking to Summit County.