Douglas County schools should launch an investigation to determine if teacher’s unions are playing dirty tricks to demonize parents, while actually victimizing their own teachers in the battle for bargaining rights and a buttload of union dues money.

Call us skeptical, because these flyers reek of union dirty tricks,  and read like a “See Dick run, run Dick run!” novel for first graders.

Surely there are cameras in the parking lot to determine whether the union, in its quest to victimize itself, is actually the culprit who distributed all six fliers.  

The timing of the flyers coincided with the news that a public request had been filed seeking the names, but not addresses, of teachers who staged the sickout forcing the closure of the entire school system earlier this month.

It was immediately assumed by the media the information was sought to harass those responsible for the sickout. 

Really? Because doxxing is usually in the playbook of harassment for leftists and their friends in the media.


If the unions are pulling dirty tricks in order to boost their floundering popularity with the public, they should be busted for it.

Or maybe the unions just want the list of names, no addresses, to determine which 1,000 of the district’s 4,000 teachers were willing to do their dirty work?

The conservative-led school board has declined to release the list of names, and the request has reportedly been withdrawn.

So the teachers’ union will have to find another way to curry favor with parents who are fed up with their nonsense over the past two years.