Thanks to President Biden’s awesome foreign policy pedigree, diplomatic skills, and the fear he strikes in the heart of Vladimir Putin, Russia has invaded Ukraine and shattered peace in Europe.
Go team.
Colorado’s U.S. Sens. Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper just weeks ago voted against sanctions on Russia and businesses tied to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that were intended to deter an attack from Putin.
PeakNation™ will also recall our recent report on Bennet’s connections to Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline project.
A major Democrat lobbyist firm representing some half dozen companies with financial stakes in the Russian pipeline is a contributor to Bennet’s campaign.
#MediaBias in action: Failing @denverpost once wrote a story about how Gardner received a donation from a lobbyist, even though he voted against that lobbyists interests.
Bennet takes money from a Nord Stream 2 lobbyist, votes how the lobbyist wants, war breaks out.
— Jerrod Dobkin (@jmdobkin) February 24, 2022
Bennet has managed to duck the whole issue of war in Europe and the emergence of a new Cold War between Russia and the U.S. with Biden (Gasp) at the helm.
Bennet’s been busy issuing ceremonial or trivial tweets, and Colorado’s media has totally forgotten that both he and John Hickenlooper are actually U.S. Senators whose job it is to lead this country and should have said something before this week.

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet plays the cowbell while Sen. Hickenlooper’s strums his banjo.
It wasn’t until Putin’s started knocking on Ukraine’s door that Bennet suggested sanctions might actually have been a good idea.
When the bombs started dropping Thursday morning and the invasion began, Bennet said now we really, really should sanction and stuff.
This is your leadership in charge of preventing World War III.
Be very concerned.
We can’t help but wonder if Putin’s timing on getting the Soviet Union band back together has anything to do with Biden’s rebranding of America’s military from fearsome superpower, to climate defender and gender equity safe space.
The Colorado Republican Party correctly notes the only way through this crisis is be our totally American badass self.
“Colorado Republicans stand with the people of Ukraine against this illegal invasion… It’s time for America’s leaders to step up and face this threat with strength, not weakness.” #copolitics
See the full statement from Colorado GOP Chairwoman @ColoradoKbb ⤵️
— The Colorado GOP (@cologop) February 24, 2022
America can’t afford to look weak.
America should always stand for self-determination and against aggression. Putin is a thug. Russia is a menace. And the invasion of Ukraine is a reminder: peace is not a birthright. It is an inter-generational struggle, where weakness invites aggression. #COPolitics /1
— Joe O’Dea (@odeaforcolorado) February 24, 2022