Democrats and the Denver media are so desperate to protect U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet against Republican challengers, they’ve unleashed a scandal they are certain will forever cripple Gino Campana’s chances of becoming the GOP nominee.
Brace yourself PeakNation™ for the most shocking political scandal of all time: Campana held a graduation party for his daughter back in 2013, they played music, and it was noisy.
But wait, there’s more.
It was so noisy, a neighbor called the cops.
And when Campana eventually identified himself as a city councilman, numerous squad cars, several officers, plus a sergeant and lieutenant responded to the noisy graduation party where music was playing.
Quelle horreur!
Campana’s campaign fell hard on their sword, and admits he celebrated his daughter’s graduation.
“Yes, Gino had a noise complaint,” spokesman Jerrod Dobkin said. “When well over 100 Italian family and friends get together, sometimes it gets a little noisy.”
But before we get too far into the details of what the police report said, it’s worth noting how Nicholas Riccardi with the Associated Press portrayed what happened that fateful night.
Turns out he did argue when officers told him to shut down the party and order everyone to leave … in their cars … after some had been drinking.
The police report says Gino told officers “we needed to be careful as to how we get the juveniles out of the party. He said that he did not serve any of them alcohol, but he was not sure if any of them drank before they came up to the party. He also said that he did not want someone to get behind the wheel and drive intoxicated from his party. Gino also said that he had hired bartenders, but that they were not serving any juveniles.”
Campana told officers “we had to be smart as to how we did this, and he also made the comment that he did not want to read about his in the newspaper tomorrow morning.”
“Again, officers requested Mr. Campana to begin to shut down his party, and Mr. Campana again said we need to do it smart and that he wanted to make sure that no one had alcohol in their system and was going to drive.”
Police told him they did not have the resources to make sure everyone was sober. Seriously, the police report gives no indication they cared they might be sending drunk drivers onto the streets.
As the report goes on, it’s clear Campana is not going to tell all the guests to leave, he’s clearly concerned that some would be driving intoxicated, and didn’t want anyone hurt. He protested whether he was in violation of the city’s noise ordinance, which as a councilman he should know what that was, and yes, he grew impatient.
The music had already stopped, and he refused several times to order his guests to leave.
The report says: “Mr. Campana then told us that it was his house, and that he would just have all of the people spend the night here, and that officers could not dictate who stayed or who had left. Officer Wagner had told Mr. Campana that this was true, but that having the party shut down would gauge Mr. Campana’s cooperation.”
In the end, Campana was served with a noise violation.
So that’s the scandal.
Campana had a party nine years ago, the music was too loud, he argued with police and refused to unleash drunk drivers on the highways.
It’s not like he was accused of assaulting his secretary and shoving her into a filing cabinet, then running for governor and campaigning on women’s’ issues.
No, that was Jared Polis’s scandal, contained in a police report that the Associated Press and others in the media declined to report on during his first campaign.
After all, what’s more newsworthy?
An old police report about a Democrat running for governor who was accused of physically assaulting his secretary?
Or, an old police report about a Republican running for Senator who was accused of a noise violation during his daughter’s graduation party?
You be the judge.