Gov. Polis’s poll numbers outside of his progressive base must really be underwater and threatening to torpedo his reelection bid.

How else to explain this? 

We’re guessing those “good shots” were all at Polis’s expense when they saw him handle a gun.

We imagine the whole experience went something like this:


Gov. Polis: “Hey guys, can one of you teach me how to shoot a gun?”


Gov. Polis: “Where’s the trigger … what … I can’t hear you?”

Parks and Wildlife Guy: “The gun was never loaded governor, this is just a photo op. We’re going to do it again and we’d really appreciate if you didn’t throw your gun at the clay pigeon this time.”

Parks and Wildlife Guy: “That’s great governor, now once more with your eyes open.”

Colorado GOP Chair Kristi Burton Brown had her own pointers for Polis, whom we wager has never touched a gun before his reelection obviously depended upon it.

There are plenty of private shooting ranges across Colorado, so we’re not sure why the state decided to buy this range and compete with private enterprise by turning it into a state park.

But it’s interesting the purchase was completed on Jan. 7 and Polis is just now promoting it. Was it something they polled?

Also, don’t click on the website the governor linked, it contains malicious coding.