Election integrity is of the utmost importance to all Colorado voters, and no one knows that better than the state’s GOP chairwoman Kristi Burton Brown.

She had the foresight to know many party delegates would make every demand imaginable to ensure their vote was counted as cast.

And they have. Even the top vote getter of the U.S. Senate race is demanding his win be audited.

And so it shall, by delegates who actually cast votes!

The state party has posted the complete state assembly votes along with each vote cast by individual keypads. 

The U.S. Senate race recap looks like this, and can be viewed in its entirety here.

This audit-yourself system allows every delegate to check their votes and change their mind confirm that is who they in fact voted for.

For example, Hanks’ 1,394 voters can confirm their own votes, and the 2,184 who didn’t vote for Hanks can confirm their vote all by their individual keypad number.

Cool, huh?

The same goes for the 1,281 delegates who voted for Greg Lopez in the gubernatorial primary.

They can check their votes here to ensure their votes were cast for Lopez, while the 2,449 who didn’t vote for Lopez but supported other candidates can check their votes as well. 

To see all of the assembly results broken down by race, go the party’s page here, and in the menu you will see under “state assembly results” a link to each election, and the breakdown of every single vote that came from every single keypad assigned to delegates.

You’re welcome.