Mothers are struggling to find food for their babies, gas prices are exploding, seniors are afraid to look at their retirement accounts, and now even Democrats are starting to admit the economy sucks.
That’s according to the Associated Press that reports there is a “deepening pessimism emerging among members of his own Democratic Party.”
Just last month pollsters insisted that Democrats were still believing in President Biden, whose nose had just dipped below water with a 49% popularity rating, thanks to those still believing in their alternative universe that the county is headed in the right direction.
Republicans are surely envious of such blind, party loyalty.
Democrats thought they were boosting their base with a Roe V. Wade scare, but now they are learning that Democrats have children too, and they don’t like it when they can’t feed their babies.
Only 33% of Democrats now think the country is headed in the right direction.
Biden’s approval ratings have never dropped below 82% within his own party, but like the stock market, that’s nose-dived to 73% and likely still falling.
The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research poll of 1,172 adults was conducted May 12-16.