We have little faith in Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s plan to clean up her office’s mistake in telling 30,000 Colorado residents who are not U.S. citizens to register to vote.

Office spokesflaks say the error occurred because they belong to a non-government organization that demands they send postcards to unregistered voters.

So, Griswold’s office used lists from local DMVs, which happens to contain those 30,000 residents who have non-citizen Colorado driver’s licenses.


It’s an amateur mistake to use lists that contain tens of thousands of ineligible voters.

But wait, there’s more treachery stupidity.

Griswold’s office plans to make up for the mistake by mailing yet another 30,000 postcards telling recipients only those who are eligible to vote can register.

So now Griswold, who is up for reelection, gets two mailers to constituents right before election voting commences on the taxpayers’ dime.

We have yet to see a media report on the cost of this mistake to taxpayers.

PeakNation will recall that Griswold is fond of spending millions of our hard-earned tax dollars shamelessly promoting herself.

Media reports also state Griswold’s office has some sort of special formula in place to block those who aren’t eligible to vote from actually registering to vote.

Hope springs eternal that it’s more successful than the procedure they claimed to have in place to stop the postcards from going to ineligible voters in the first place.