Kyle Clark thinks the November elections are all about him and his TV station and that candidates aren’t fit to hold office unless they help him get ratings by fielding his asinine questions designed to make them look bad.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl has every right to refuse the 9News debate and is absolutely correct that Clark has a history of bias towards her and most Republicans.

But Clark seems to think that if he continues to harass and bully her, she will bow down, submit to his demands, and allow him to berate her even more on a debate stage.

Good for Heidi for refusing to participate in Clark’s charade. She proved her mettle in the Pueblo debate where she went one-on-one with Smug Polis and soundly defeated him.

Why on Earth would she submit to a tag team of Clark and Polis attacking her with questions designed to produce sensational social media tabloid talking points for the Democrat Party?

From Heidi’s campaign:

Heidi is a fighter who has stood up against intimidation, whether it was in the board room or Board of Regents, and she makes no exception for biased broadcast networks.


As a reminder, our campaign initiated the challenge to Polis to debate at least three times, two of those being outside of the Denver/Boulder Area. It has been a battle to get Jared Polis to leave the comfort of Denver, but like most things in our beautiful state, with a lot of hard work, anything is possible. Heidi looks forward to holding Polis accountable for his failed record in the three remaining debates.

Here’s an interesting look at how 9News likes to defend Polis, courtesy of one of many satire accounts of the news station.