Vice President Kamala Harris will address the most pressing issues of the day when she visits Colorado next week including crime, homelessness, high energy costs and the struggling economy.

Ha! Just kidding.

Biden’s second-in-command is coming to skate solely on the safe issue of climate change, which Democrats are in complete agreement is the chief cause of weather.

This is not a campaign stop (wink, wink) to stoke up her boss Biden’s unpopularity numbers, which continue to sink below likely Democrat primary challenger, Gov. Jared Polis.

We are to assume the visit to Colorado is merely a wild coincidence. Much like Harris’s ascendency to the vice presidency based on her complete lack of skill.

The White House was unable to provide any details of the visit, to no one’s surprise.

All we know is that a discussion moderated by someone not ashamed to be seen with her will happen sometime on Monday, in Denver.

It’s a sure bet she will take credit for spending billions of our hard-earned tax dollars on mostly futile government programs in the name of weather climate change.

And to our great consternation, she will laugh a lot about stupid shit.

Stay tuned for bloopers.