Former state Rep. Dave Williams vows to act as a wartime consigliere in his new role as chairman of the Colorado Republican Party.
Elected Saturday after several rounds of voting, Williams said he will go on the offense against Democrats, lock up party primaries from independent voters, and generally raise all kinds of Hell.
“We need a wartime leader who will boldly articulate our conservative, America-first agenda while going toe-to-toe with the radical Democrats every chance we get,” Williams said in a combative speech before the first round of voting at a party meeting in Loveland.
“Our party doesn’t have a brand problem. Our party has a problem with feckless leaders who are ashamed of you and ashamed of our conservative principals. they are embarrassed by our platform and constantly apologize to the press and the Democrats for our values,” Williams said.
Sandra Fish at the Colorado Sun reports the first round of voting went like this:
Round two went like this:
ready for round 3 on the chairmans race
Chair contest – round two
Tina Peters – 27 – 7.2%
Erik Aadland – 147.5 – 39.4%
Kevin Lundberg – 17 – 4.5%
Dave Williams – 165 -44.1%
Kevin McCarney – 12.5 – 3.3%
Casper Stockham – 5 – 1.3%#copolitics— sandra fish 🐠(@fishnette) March 11, 2023
Williams won on round three after Tina Peters, notorious Colorado bad girl, broke party rules to throw her support to him.
Then it was all over except for the gnashing of teeth by the media proclaiming Colorado’s GOP was doomed to obscurity because they think their team* was robbed in the 2020 election.
“The party will be led by a MAGA-stolen-election-conspiracist who wants to reject unaffiliated voters from the Republican primary. None of them understand a changing Colorado electorate that rejects Trump.”
Oh wait, that wasn’t a reporter. That was former Republican Party chair Dick Wadhams in an interview with Axios Denver.
Here’s how the media heralded Williams’ chairmanship:
Colorado GOP selects combative, election-denying new leader
— Denver Post Politics (@denverpolitics) March 12, 2023
NEW from @axios: Colorado GOP picks election denier to lead party into 2024 election #COpolitics #COleg #COgov #AxiosDenver
— John Frank (@ByJohnFrank) March 11, 2023
NEW: @RepDaveWilliams has been elected chairman of the @ColoGOP. Williams maintains that former President Trump won the 2020 election and claims, without evidence, that thousands of dead people voted in Colorado’s 2020 election. #copolitics
— Kyle Clark (@KyleClark) March 11, 2023
BREAKING: Election Denier and Big Lie conspiracist Dave Williams was just elected to lead the Colorado Republican Party. In selecting Williams as their chair, the CO Republican State Party has endorsed election denialism.
— Jena Griswold (@JenaGriswold) March 11, 2023
Oops. That last tweet was not a so-called journalist, but Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold whose job it is to conduct statewide primary elections on behalf of the Republican Party.
Can’t imagine why conservatives would have trouble believing in some of their election officials when they attack Republicans like this on social media. What’s not to trust?
*Disclaimer: Colorado Politics are known contest deniers, having proclaimed on at least three very drunken occasions that the Broncos were totally robbed by unscrupulous referees in the Super Bowl.