The path to a progressive’s heart seems to always be rooted in money. Whether it’s buying beer advertised by a trans influencer, spending big bucks on surgery to switch genders, or buying rainbows to decorate everything.

If there’s money involved, the left wants to rule it like Big Climate doing a Godzilla stomp on the infrastructure in order to build a more expensive system that robs us blind while sending us back to the Dark Ages.

But we digress.

Following the progressive pack, as always, it turns out Denver is only a Sanctuary City for Biden’s border crossers when Biden agrees to pay for it with the American taxpayers’ checkbook.

Denver’s welcome mat disintegrated the moment the Biden administration changed the rules and only agreed to fork over our tax dollars for those who storm the border but stop long enough to take an alien identification number requesting asylum from oppressive states that won’t pay for their food, shelter, medicine, and gender affirmation.

Denverite reports that Denver will no longer shelter anyone without a Homeland Security alien number because that’s the only way Denver can get paid.

Colorado taxpayers have spent nearly $13 million in the last four months to shelter and take care of some 6,000 non-citizens. More than 600 are currently being housed in Denver area shelters, an additional 41 arrived Thursday.

Mayor Michael Hancock said in mid-December that the city was “taking copious notes and records of every expenditure we make so that we can follow the proper process at the state and federal levels to recoup those dollars.”

In a statement issued Thursday, the city said they still value inclusion, acceptance, and opportunity … they’re just not going to pay for it out of their collection plate of taxpayer dollars.

“We continue to urge Congress to provide assistance to local communities who are disproportionately tasked with handling and managing what is a growing national humanitarian crisis.”

Instead of addressing the national humanitarian crisis that was created by the Biden administration, Denver wants the American taxpayers, Coloradans included, to send them more money.

Until then, the door is closed to illegal aliens, immigrants, noncitizens, whatever the Hell we’re calling border crossers this week, unless they have an alien number.