Colorado Springs voters need to pay extra close attention to what their mayoral candidates are saying about how they will address homelessness as well as the topics they are avoiding, like the camping ban and doorway ordinances.

The differences are clear.

Yemi Mobolade is dancing around the issue while catering to the street lifestyle.

Wayne Williams is taking a tough love approach with all-of-the-above solutions to reducing homelessness, while Mobolade wants to sepnd even more taxpayer dollars to expand the homeless industrial complex.

Here’s what the candidates said in Monday’s debate:

Williams said there he would have a two-fold approach, the first by enforcing related ordinances like illegal camping, the second to work with and support nonprofits that provide resources to people who are unhoused.


Mobolade cited mental health as the root cause for a large percentage of people who are unhoused and expressed intentions to support mental health initiatives, in addition to wraparound care and increased outreach professionals.

While mental health is certainly prevalent among the homeless, so is drug abuse that is so often the root of the cause. To see what happens when more homelessness professionals are hired by taxpayers to cater to the drug and homeless lifestyle, one need look no further than Denver.

Williams told The Gazette he would enforce the camping ban and doorway ordinance and proposed expanding those rules while working compassionately to address the root causes of homelessness and engaging non-profits to provide additional resources.

Mobolade, on the other hand, is taking the socialist’s approach and wants taxpayers to hire sidewalk shrinks and cater to the homeless lifestyle while essentially ignoring the camping ban.

Mushrooms aren’t even legal yet, and already Colorado Springs is headed towards the precipice of electing a socialist as mayor, while liberal Denver turned back every progressive in their mayoral race.

Trippy, indeed.