And just like that, Democrats lost any chance of hijacking Colorado’s

3rd Congressional District from the Republican Party.

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert made a tactical decision this week to keep the seat safely Republican while trying her hand at claiming a more solid GOP district over on the Eastern Plains that is being vacated by conservative turned CNN commentator Ken Buck.

It’s a safe bet that Jeff Hurd of Grand Junction will be the new Republican nominee in the 3rd District, having already galvanized the conservative base from underneath Boebert.

And we expect Hurd will send that upstart Aspen progressive Adam Frisch packing with his political career between his legs. Good riddance.

Boebert said:

“This move also helps stop Hollywood elites and national progressive groups from buying the 3rd District. They aren’t pouring millions into the 3rd District based on policy differences, they are pouring it in because they know what a threat I am to their liberal agenda. I will not allow dark-money that is directed at destroying me to steal this seat. It’s not fair to the 3rd District and the conservatives there who have fought so hard for our victories, of which I’m incredibly grateful.”

She’s not wrong.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that a congresswoman who achieved a national profile on Day One could find it in her heart to switch districts so easily.

Boebert was never just the 3rd District’s congresswoman, but a favorite among the MAGA crowd from sea to shining sea.

Her outspoken and in-your-face red meat values of conservatism combined with a pretty face and hot body made her the conservative pin-up girl of the Trump era.

The camera loved her, and Boebert loved the camera back, which worked out swell until the camera loved her a little bit too much in a Denver theater.

Boebert’s brand of conservatism isn’t for everyone, and it remains to be seen if the 4th District, which is plenty pissed at Buck’s seemingly moderate conversion, will embrace Boebert’s style of legislating.

But the Democrats and their friends in the media are livid at Boebert’s tactical switch to foil their Western Slope heist, and that’s a good thing.