Looks like Colorado House Speaker Julie McCluskie is about to get the McCarthy treatment as support builds for a “no confidence” vote on her leadership of the Democrat-controlled body now burdened with vitriolic infighting.

It was all fun and games in the media when the GOP-led U.S. House of Representatives took out their leader Kevin McCarthy, then fought amongst themselves for a replacement.

Not so much when it’s a Democrat leader in hot water in Colorado, with a caucus splintered by bat sh*t crazy progressives and socialists.

Lawmakers let the cat out of the bag Wednesday night during the Democrat’s vacancy committee vote to replace state Rep. Ruby Dickson, who resigned citing a “sensationalistic and vitriolic” environment in the state House.

This nugget was buried in the Colorado Politics report on police reservist Chad Clifford of Centennial, who was elected by 41 Democrat Party insiders on the vacancy committee to represent District 37.

Clifford and the person who nominated him — now state Sen. Tom Sullivan of Centennial — spoke about the tensions that have taken center stage at the state House in recent weeks, both hinting at support for a censure of state Rep. Elisabeth Epps, D-Denver, and a vote of “no confidence” in House Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon.

PeakNation™ knows there is no love lost between McCluskie and Epps (D-Gaza), so it was with some backhanded sympathy that Epps made sure everyone who follows her on social media knew that trouble was a brewing!

Clifford had this to say about the problems plaguing the Democrat Party during the Vacancy Committee hearing, from Colorado Newsline:

“I am excited to be part of something, even in such a vitriolic time at the Capitol,” he said during the virtual meeting.


“It’s just really crazy that the Democrats are fighting the Democrats in a building where it’s supposed to be a debate. It’s very important that everyone understands that the Legislature is a deliberative body,” he said. “It’s a very big difference between being a legislator and an activist, and I think that’s what I bring to the table — to bring legislation and to work through varying ideas and come up with solutions that really impact our district and our people.”

Candidates were voted on after brief interviews, and Clifford was elected on the second ballot beating two other contenders, Ashish Vaidya and Kevin Biehl.

According to Colorado Politics:

Clifford is a lobbyist and police officer with the Colorado Rangers Shared Law Enforcement Reserve, a state agency whose members serve as “force multipliers” for law enforcement agencies. He also serves in emergency management as a government operations lead for the American Red Cross.

Clifford is the 20th Democrat to be “elected” to the state legislature not by voters, but through a vacancy committee of party insiders because Dems are now resigning before their term is completed in order to keep those seats in Democrat control.

When Democrats say “Democracy,” what they mean is not letting any other party or independents vote on candidates of their choosing.