Colorado hospitals are begging for a federal bailout to pay for the 20,000-emergency room, childbirth, dental and primary care visits last year from the flood of migrants taking advantage of President Biden’s open border policy.

The doctor in charge of government relations at Denver Health told Fox News the country needs orderly migration at the border instead of the come-one-come-all policy that is overwhelming the country’s infrastructure.

Ha! Just kidding!

 Dr. Steve Federico asked for more taxpayer dollars to fund the unchecked migration and keep ‘em coming!

“We absolutely need additional public support to help provide health care to our safety net hospitals such as Denver Health,” Federico told “The Ingraham Angle” Thursday. “We’re needing to respond to this huge humanitarian crisis in our emergency rooms and our clinics. And, so, what we’re looking for is for policymakers to step up and fund appropriately the health care providers that are providing this care.”

We don’t doubt that 8,000 migrants sought 22,000 urgent care at Denver Health, and we agree that is a humanitarian crisis.

And yet Federico notes they are seeing migrants suffering from acute illnesses that were a result of their arduous journeys.

America’s healthcare system was never designed to offer free healthcare to the world. Hell, Americans can barely afford their own healthcare without coughing up more in taxes to cover the rest of the planet.

Biden’s policy of allowing asylum claims now and asking questions years and years later when our backlogged system of two million cases finally gets to them is unsustainable.

Just ask Gov. Polis, whose spokesman concedes the border must be secured.

“It should be no surprise that without real border security and fixing our broken immigration system, hospitals across the country are having to treat migrants who aren’t insured,” a spokesperson for Polis told “The Ingraham Angle.”

“Governor Polis reiterates his call for Congress and the president to urgently act and secure the border.

The immigration system is broken because Biden repealed the Remain in Mexico policy that kept asylum seekers at bay until their claim was approved by a judge, which does not include the need for jobs or health care.

Taxpayers are going to have to cover Denver Care’s costs in all this. But we should not be on the hook for a weak president’s failure to do his job, and that will have to be taken care of at the ballot box come November.