Unable to shoulder the self-inflicted burden of sanctuary status, it looks like Denver has conned Lakewood into picking up their slack to take in some of the thousands of asylum-seeking migrants costing their taxpayers millions.

Ha! Suckers.

Lakewood City Council members agreed at a January meeting to be a good neighbor and take in Denver’s migrant overflow. A final vote on their action is scheduled for Feb. 12 Lakewood City Council meeting.

The tab is still ringing up for Denver, where it’s costing about $320 million to feed, house, clothe and provide healthcare and education for some of the 36,000 migrants seeking sanctuary there in the last year.

Writing in The Denver Gazette about the crisis spreading to the suburbs, William Perry Pendley says Lakewood is not a sanctuary city jurisdiction, but believes it can “piggyback on Jefferson County’s sanctuary status.”

He expects Lakewood residents will turn out in full force at the Feb. 12 meeting and have something to say about the council’s action before the final vote is taken.

Pendley writes that big city mayors are no longer bragging about their sanctuary status that prevents police from alerting federal law enforcement when illegal aliens are jailed for committing violent crimes.

“Today, they complain about the exorbitant cost of housing, feeding, and policing the waves of illegal aliens swarming into their cities. Those who suffer most, however, are not the mayors, who are just begging for federal dollars, but hapless residents, rich and poor, black and white. Hotels, recreational centers, and airports are commandeered for illegal aliens, trashing neighborhoods, educational opportunities, and travelers’ safety, health and happiness. In New York City, everyone is livid, from Lady Gaga’s father on the Upper West Side to Representative Ocasio-Cortez’s Brooklyn constituents. It is no different in Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Detroit, or Chicago.”

Former Lakewood City Council member Ramey Johnson attended the January meeting and wrote in an action alert that community members who disagreed with their initial action were dismissed as “loud voices.”

“The speed at which this vote was taken without citizen engagement or outreach is problematic … Park usage, business re-location and stability, security and safety issues regarding gangs, cartels, fentanyl and home values are only a very few of the issues that need to be considered.”


“Because I have been asked, elected representatives need to be in office for 6 months before any recall can be attempted,” she also wrote.

Can’t make the council meeting? Watch the hybrid meeting online and comment here.