Voters have an opportunity to cast a protest ballot against President Biden on Super Tuesday next week.

At the very end of the Democrat ballot is the option to choose “noncommitted delegate” instead of one of the nine useless cast of candidates, including Biden, to be that party’s nominee for president.

Fun, right?

Former Congressman David Skaggs is bragging in a Denver Post column how he abandoned his president by doing just that and is encouraging his fellow Dems to do likewise.

“It is the ballot option that could lead to an open convention, where Democrats can pick a ticket that could more assuredly save the nation from the disaster of a second Trump administration,” he wrote.

Skaggs praised Biden profusely, before stabbing him in the back.

And he reminded Democrats about the special counsel report that determined Biden had indeed mishandled classified documents but declined to prosecute the sitting president because he’s so old, feeble, and forgetful.

Skaggs wrote:

If President Biden is the Democratic nominee, I will proudly vote for him. Regretfully, I do not think he should be our nominee. He should face the political realities. He should step aside, as Lyndon Johnson did in March 1968, and open the race to the several worthy Democrats who then would run.

Only then can Biden “preserve the splendid legacy he has earned, and avoid the embarrassment he doesn’t deserve,” Skaggs wrote.

Maybe Biden doesn’t deserve the embarrassment he has brought on himself, his family, the Democrat Party, and American voters. Afterall, he is an old, feeble, and forgetful man.

But it’s too late to save his legacy.

Jimmy Carter had half a century after his abysmal first term to recover from his failures and did so gracefully in his creation of Habitat for Humanity.

But Biden is 81, and the investigations into his shady dealings to trade access for cash are just getting started.

If Biden got beat by uncommitted in a lefty state like Colorado, it might finally hit home for Democrats that Biden isn’t as great as they pretend he is. But, it’s unlikely the Democrats would have the balls to kick the old man to the curb at the convention.

And why should they? That feeble old fool does everything they tell him to do.