Is it too much to ask reporters to follow up on their stories and find out what happens to pro protest protestors who are faux arrested and issued summons to appear in court for breaking laws on Colorado campuses?

The public deserves to know if real actions are taking place to prevent the occupation and destruction of university and college buildings and grounds.

Not just the alumni, but taxpayers as well. Everyone in Colorado has a stake in what’s happening to our children on campuses of alleged higher learning, as well as that property we fund in one manner or another.

Are students and their professional protest handlers who are arrested or told to appear in court getting a hug and words of encouragement by prosecutors, or are they being held responsible for breaking laws?

It seems to be mostly the TV news regularly covering the protests, and for the most part they are doing a good job of informing students and the public as to what’s happening on campus.

However, the media bias leans heavily on sympathy for the Muslims who brutally attacked Israel and sparked a war.

Not so much for Jews who attend these schools and are harassed and intimidated by protestors who spout ignorance about people who’ve only identified as Palestinians since the last century.

It seemed like last weekend’s graduations would dampen the protests on campus.

Yet Fox 31 Denver reported that 10 more protestors were arrested Monday after a failed attempt to occupy the bursar’s office. The campus was put on lockdown while Denver Police dealt with the situation.

While “many” left the space and continued their demonstration outside, 10 remained, according to the release. They were each issued a summons on trespassing, interference and disturbing the peace and “were immediately released.”

Protestors openly brag they will continue to escalate their antics until their demands are met, also known as blackmail, or extortion.

These protests aren’t free speech, it is mob rule, and it’s the wrong lessons these young adults are learning at the very institutions they are turning on.

It’s been three weeks since the first 44 protestors on this campus were arrested by police who warned them to disperse or face prosecution for committing crimes.

Dozens more have since been arrested or issued a summons to just show up in court.

The public deserves to know what happened to them.