The Colorado Republican Party is kind of a train wreck right now. It’s best to just look away.

Send their emails to the junk folder and hit the social media snooze button until after the state’s primary elections next month and use your own judgement.

It’s for the best.

For those who blessedly haven’t been paying close attention, state party insiders have been steering the GOP off the rails under the chairmanship of Dave Williams.

The new party establishment thinks it should be their job to tell voters who they can and cannot vote for in Republican primaries, and they’re issuing endorsements that make about as much sense as throwing our votes away entirely on third party candidates.

If voters actually followed these orders, it would surely cost Republicans even more seats because even a Democrat as weak as Joe Biden could beat some of these people getting endorsements.

For example, the party announced today it has endorsed the weakest candidate running in the 3rd Congressional District to take on the Aspen liberal who has $6 million in the bank and almost beat Lauren Boebert last time around.

With all due respect to Ron Hanks, who doesn’t even live in the district and has less than $5,000 in the bank — if Boebert switched districts because she knew she couldn’t hang onto this seat, you sure as Hell can’t win it in the General Election!

An outsider with a few thousand bucks, Hanks served one term in the state House representing Cañon City, then lost the GOP primary to take on U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet.

Who else in the race has a better shot of winning the General Election against Democrat Adam Frisch?

There’s Jeff Hurd of Grand Junction, the presumptive frontrunner, Stephen Varela, who sits on the Colorado Board of Education, Curtis McCrackin, a businessman from Delta County, Lew Webb of Durango, and Russ Andrews of Carbondale — all of whom actually live in the district and are known to voters.

In its endorsement emailed to GOP voters Wednesday, Williams’ team said: “Our main criteria for choosing to endorse Ron Hanks is his higher likelihood of defeating the radical Democrat, Adam Frisch, in the general election.”

No polls are cited, because none have been taken.

They just made up this alleged likelihood based on absolutely zero evidence and spewed it to the masses as if they were a New York prosecutor gunning for Trump.

Then they went on to trash the other candidates with worse lies than the Democrats have come up with, while assuring voters “the Party would ultimately support whichever candidate wins.”


They chose Hanks because he’s buddies with Williams.

These endorsements reek of swampy establishment politics that Republicans are supposed to stand against.

Conservatives should continue to trust their own judgement, as Republicans have done in every election since Abe Lincoln.

This isn’t the former Soviet Union; we don’t have to do what the party commands.