Update: Since we posted this story just a couple of hours ago, Gov. Polis has endorsed Elisabeth Epps’ opponent. 

Democrat state lawmakers have turned on some of the more progressive House members this election and are funneling money into the races to make sure the renegades don’t return for another session.

Axios Denver reports the Democrat establishment is working overtime in targeting two of the most pro-Palestinian members — freshman Tim Hernández who was appointed by a vacancy committee, and Elisabeth Epps.

From the report:

Epps angered her colleagues — and drew a public reprimand — for outbursts against Israel’s attack on Gaza and social media posts blasting the party’s leaders this session.

Hernandez won his seat in a special election but quickly heard calls for his expulsion after attending a pro-Palestinian rally on the day Hamas attacked Israel. He later drew more condemnation for replacing the U.S. flag on his desk with a Palestinian one.

Sean Camacho is challenging Epps in the Democrat primary race and has outraised her with $140,000 versus Epps’ $36,000.

The opposite is true for Hernandez, who is a socialist like Epps, but is reportedly drowning in donations from numerous unions.

Challenging Hernandez is former immigration judge Cecelia Espenoza, who has the support of Democrat House leadership and the business community.

Unlike Hernandez, she does not shrug off the wholesale slaughter of women and children.