Colorado U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet made history last night as the first Senate Democrat to publicly admit Joe Biden can’t win reelection to another four years in office, and the mainstream media love him for it.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Bennet told CNN that Donald Trump will beat Biden in a landslide election and cost Democrats the Senate and any hope of regaining the House.

“I think we could lose the whole thing,” Biden said.

Because that’s what is really at play here — who gets to stay in power.

And the mainstream media are just as afraid of losing access to the establishment palace intrigue inside the Beltway that drives their clicks and ratings.

And neither of them can bear the thought of Trump back in the Big House lobbing insults back at them all, the same way they insult Trump and Republicans every chance they get.

Not one of them has expressed concern about Biden’s health and his “condition,” whether it turns out to be Parkinson’s disease or another degenerative disorder.

They’re just worried about whether he can win against Trump.

That’s why the mainstream media is beating the drum to push him out the door, and Democrats are wringing their hands.

Who cares if the old man is incapacitated over the next four years so long as Jill and Hunter are running things for them at the White House?

Selfishness reigns supreme in Washington, D.C.

Democrats including Bennet are having a melt down because their guy doesn’t have the mental acuity to win reelection, when what they should be concerned about is the fact the current president doesn’t have the mental wherewithal to run the White House now, let alone for another four years.

Yet U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette told the Denver Post in her first interview on the subject that he’s the same old Biden’s he’s been for the 30 years she’s known him.

“ … Do I think he’s competent for both reelection and to serve another term? And I can’t help but say, Yes, he is,” said DeGette, the longest-serving member of Colorado’s congressional delegation.

That’s just delusional.

Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Joe Neguse who holds the fourth-ranking Democrat leadership role in the House, has refused to comment on the most important issue to dominate headlines and voter conversations for the past two weeks.

The Denver Post says he’s ignored repeated requests for comment, and no one from U.S. Rep. Jason Crow’s office would talk about the Biden situation on the record. Freshman U.S. Rep.Yadira Caraveo isn’t returning reporters’ calls, either.

The Washington Examiner caught up with U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper at a Carnegie Endowment event, of all places, where the 72-year-old talked a lot yet declined to comment

“I don’t think I’ve ever been in a more complicated political environment in my life, so it’s probably not the right time for me to make news,” Hickenlooper said.

The man knows his limitations. That’s why he’s a U.S. Senator.

Meanwhile, from Colorado Public Radio:

Leaving the gathering of House Democrats, first term Rep. Brittany Pettersen said, “We’re united to make sure we defeat Trump.” But she acknowledged people had different opinions on what that would look like going forward.

So that’s it. Democrats are united about staying in power, whatever that may be moving forward. They’re just divided on whether Biden’s still the guy who can do something for them.

No wonder so many people like Trump.