When President Biden finally succumbed to three weeks of harassment by Democrat lawmakers and abandonment by billionaire donors to drop out of the race, Colorado Dems hailed him as a hero.

Finally, the elections of 14 million U.S. voters had been overturned so party bosses could install their next puppet. As has become clear, that’s how democracy works when Democrats are in charge.

U.S. Rep. Brittany Pettersen was the only Colorado Democrat who added her name to the list of House members pressuring Biden to abandon the 3,900 delegates he won fair and square, by deceiving U.S. voters. She broke up with him in an X post.

Let’s be clear. The Democrat Party perpetrated a massive fraud on the American voters. They knew Biden was in severe cognitive decline when they rolled him out before the primary elections even began and branded him as their only hope to — air quote — save democracy.

When their fraud was exposed in that fateful debate with Donald Trump, their own media vultures closed in fast, and Dems had no choice but to throw Biden under the bus.

But the old man steadfastly refused to cross the street for nearly a month.

When Biden finally cried “uncle,” Pettersen called him a true patriot who had put the American people first.

“Joe Biden is a big reason I am here today as a member of Congress, and he continues to make me proud with the issues he has championed and selflessness he has shown,” Pettersen said.

Wow. She owed her congressional career to Biden and yet she paid him back with a knife to the back when she became the 17th Democrat House member to demand he forfeit the race.

Then Pettersen endorsed Kamala Harris and danced on the old man’s political grave.

PeakNation will recall the nonsensical cackle fest Pettersen moderated for Harris during a Colorado visit in March just last year. It was a staged event, from which Pettersen dutifully read questions from notecards provided by the White House.

Our review:

As Harris prattled on about having grown up with water and air, she concluded that was what led her to the civil rights movement, which she described as “a bunch of people marching and shouting for justice.”


Harris was a mess. Her rambling train-of-though proved just as nonsensical as her boss, Joe Biden.

Like a trained seal, Pettersen offered up this endorsement:

For those who still haven’t figured it out, the greatest threat to our nation is now the Democrat Party.

They toppled their own elections in a desperate effort to stay in power.