How odd that a new ad is thanking U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo for leading the legislative charge to take on the drug cartels when she is doing no such thing.

The ad is paid for by House Majority Forward, which describes itself as an advocacy group for progressives and social justice — ideals seemingly at odds with law enforcement.

The ad says:

“Caraveo broke with her own party to vote for tougher penalties for fentanyl crimes, and she’s working to stop fentanyl from flowing across the border. Now Caraveo is leading legislation to take on the cartels. Let’s ask her to keep working to secure the border and pass the Anti Drugs Act.”

Yet PeakNation™ will recall that while Caraveo was still in the state legislature, she voted in lockstep with Democrats to pass HB19-1263 and decriminalize possession of fentanyl.

The legislation touted by the ad doesn’t even mention drug cartels.

It was a minor grant funding measure she introduced back in February with only one co-sponsor to add a handful of millions more to the border security 2024 funding of nearly $100 billion, with a b.

The measure never got past the first committee to which it was assigned.

But by all means, let’s ask her to secure the border. If only she had thought of that before facing Republican Gabe Evans in one of the most hotly contested congressional races in the country.

From the National Republican Congressional Committee:

“Extreme Democrat Yadira Caraveo has been caught red-handed trying to back-pedal on the Colorado fentanyl crisis that she caused back in 2019. After years of Caraveo’s fentanyl crisis, it’s no wonder CO-08 is ready for change and ready for Gabe Evans, who has first-hand experience as a police officer fighting her fentanyl crisis.”

We’re still trying to figure out why the ad on securing the border against drug cartels featured Caraveo in a restaurant kitchen.

Probably because no video exists of her going to the border to see the problem first-hand, just like Kamala Harris.