The Polis administration thinks they have found the answer to making sure our high school students are proficient at math before graduating — they’re just going to lower those expectations.

Instead of fixing the learning problem, the Colorado Education Department plans to lower the passing math scores on high school tests.


Kids fail upwards, but graduate on time.

From Chalkbeat and Denver Post:

The proposed change the State Board is considering would lower the minimum passing score on the math portion of the SAT from 500 to 480. Without that change, officials say the percentage of students who can use their SAT score to meet graduation requirements will drop from 45% in 2023 to 39% with these results. That means about 3,400 students might be looking for a last-minute alternative to meet graduation requirements before May.

It’s only a matter of time before Coloradans forget the educational standards were lowered, and employers start questioning why their workers lack math skills.

We’re betting Gov. Polis won’t tout this accomplishment the next time he’s trying to recruit new high-tech jobs to the state.

Do better, Colorado.