Gov. Polis did a magnificent job spinning Kamala Harris’s position that border walls are medieval vanity project and a stupid use of money to mean that she really does support walls, just not the kind Donald Trump builds.

Border Czar Harris, like all Democrats, has always supporting building “barriers and walls” along the southern border, Polis insisted during a Sunday appearance on ABC’s “This Week” program.

Host Jonathan Karl didn’t bother asking why Border Czar Harris or any Democrat for that matter never actually bothered to build the wall.

Polis called the 450-mile border wall Trump built “a huge boondoggle and waste of taxpayer money.”

What Polis neglected to mention is that the waste was caused by the Biden/Harris administration cancelling the $2 billion contract to build the other 350 miles, that had already been paid for.

Trump’s beautiful wall.

That would be the same gap migrants take advantage of now to bypass border patrol agents.

So what exactly are these “barriers and walls” Polis keeps talking about that Democrats support? And just to be clear, the only border wall position Harris has publicly supported is that building walls is stupid.

Polis said more cost-effective border barriers would include “imagery from satellites, including on the ground Intel, to secure and lock down the border.”

Pictures from space plus on-the-ground intelligence with border agents located hundreds of miles from the border is a great plan — if you’re just going to observe the problem of unchecked migration, rather than try and stop it.

And Democrats have no intention of slowing down migration or verifying asylum claims before allowing passage across the border.

Harris will stop the illegal flow of people across our borders the same way Joe Biden is, and that’s by making it legal by rewriting border enforcement rules to keep the border wide open.