While the liability recommendation that’s part of the Democrats’ proposed anti-gun legislation is deservedly getting the bulk of the attention in the 2nd Amendment debate at Colorado’s State Capitol, the Democrats have offered seven additional points to be included in their gun package that few outlets are reporting. Here is the full list of the proposed bill topics:
- Full legal liability for anyone who makes, buys, sells or owns an assault weapon used in a shooting
- Background checks for all gun sales, including sales between private parties
- A ban on sale of magazines containing more than 10 bullets
- A requirement for mental-health workers to report potentially dangerous people to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, for the purpose of gun-sale background checks
- Stronger restrictions on gun sales to people with a history of domestic violence
- A buyer-paid fee on background checks
- Required in-person training for concealed-weapons permits
- A ban on concealed weapons in most parts of college campuses
While Colorado State House Democratic Speaker Mark Ferrandino believes they’ve taken a “measured” approach, opponents of the proposed eight-point gun regulation have called this plan “extreme”. Republican Sen. Greg Brophy framed the issue for The Durango Herald:
“This is the equivalent of holding Coors, the distributor and the 7-Eleven from which the 12-pack was stolen responsible for the drunken driving accident. I can’t believe how extreme this is.”
Even the liberal leaning Denver Post called the measures “wishful thinking” in an editorial. The editorial also criticized Democratic Sen. John Morse who is spearheading this legislation, saying:
“We think that’s wishful thinking by the Senate president. We also have to wonder if this was viewed as a more politically palatable substitute for proposing an assault weapons ban in Colorado.”
If Democrats want an assault weapons ban, they should propose one. Democrats can put lipstick on this pig all day long – it’s still a pig. It’s just that the regular people who are busy living their lives won’t be able to digest and/or weigh in on the proposed legislation until it’s too late.
Broad support? Where exactly do you get that impression? Any polling on these particular bills out there?
Full liability, a boon to ambulance chasers and back door banning.
Background checks on private sales, how do you do this without 100% registration?
Magazine ban, didn't help at Columbine.
I can actually get behind the mental health worker law, that might have actually stopped the shootings in Aurora and Newtown.
Domestic violence, there is a good reason for this, but is also open to real abuse.
I thought you already paid a fee for the background check.
CCP already requires you show up for training.
I do believe that schools already have bans on firearms, how well has that worked?
So we have two bills with some common sense behind them, and six feel-good nonsense laws that would not have done anything to stop the violence, but will restrict the law abiding. Actually that's better than I thought they would do.
Probably, I doubt that the Dems here gave any more thought to this than the ones in New York did to the law enforcement weapons with their law.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph!!! If this isn't an advertisement for leaving, I can't imagine what would be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No they are piece meal dismantling the 2nd Amendment under the ruse of "it's for the children." Hogwash. It's about power and control by the Progressives.
This says it all:
“This is the equivalent of holding Coors, the distributor and the 7-Eleven from which the 12-pack was stolen responsible for the drunken driving accident. I can’t believe how extreme this is.”.
Another stupid regulation that will do NOTHING to stop people who pay no attention to laws! what if I sell a gun to my brother in law, and 10 – 15 years down the road, he has a psychotic break? Am I responsible?
Does the "Full legal liability" make it even easier for the families of the criminals to sue law abiding citizens who felt the need to use lethal force in self-defense situation?
The Democrats are not going for an assault weapons ban right now. That's a battle for another time. These proposals have widespread support and will pass. A step at a time toward saner gun laws.