UPDATE: A reader pointed out that we should put into context how much pot three ounces (the amount Udall was found to have, per the newspaper articles) really is. Here is a New York Magazine article on pot. It actually shows how much pot two ounces is. It’s a lot. And, here’s what an unserious blog says about pot:
“If you are in a touring band, or are a die-hard pothead, [one ounce] is the bag you usually carry home. If you are carrying home more than an ounce, odds are you are unloading part of it on your friends at a reasonable profit.”
Pot is one thing, but three ounces is a lot for a casual user. Wait…. You weren’t selling that weed were you, Mark? And, then, allegedly amphetamines, too? Really?
It’s no secret in Colorado that Sen. Mark Udall has some problems telling the truth. It’s probably also relatively well-known that Mark Udall admitted to The Rocky Mountain News (RIP) that he was arrested for possession of marijuana. But, here’s Sen. Udall’s dirty little secret – it wasn’t just marijuana and it was a little more complicated than he shrugged off in the Rocky. Here’s his statement in the Rocky:
“Yes. When I was 21, I was pulled over by an Arizona State patrolman for possession of marijuana. My dad thought it would be a good lesson for me to spend the night in the local jail.”
That’s not exactly how it went down, per newspaper clips from 1973. Late on Saturday, February 17, 1973, Udall was driving a 1969 Datsun station wagon with Louisiana plates. He was pulled over. On the front seat, two highway patrolmen found some marijuana. A later search found three ounces of marijuana and (this is the part he left out) “dangerous drugs”, which were identified as amphetamines. The patrolmen seized Udall’s car for “transporting drugs”. He was charged with two felony drug counts. According to an article in the Arizona Daily Sun, “initial felony charges were reduced as requested by the County Attorney.”
The newspaper went on to explain that this is a normal part of the plea bargaining process. We’re sure that Udall’s beloved father, Mo Udall, didn’t help at all with his plea.
Speaking of, what about his dad, Mo Udall “teaching him a lesson” by having him “spend a night in jail”? Well, that’s not true either. According to the Arizona Daily Sun, Udall was released that same night. And, here comes another lie.
The punishment for Udall’s crime was a little bit stiffer than he let on. He was fined $300 (that’s about $1,500 in today’s dollars), ordered to spend one night in jail (not by his father), and put on probation for six months. In addition, the state of Arizona seized the car he was driving in a civil action. The car was valued at $1,500 then, or about $8,000 in today’s dollars.
Is transporting drugs and felony drug charges a youthful indiscretion? It seems like a bigger deal than just a night in jail, as Udall described. But, what’s a bigger deal is that when Udall was asked about this episode in a candidate questionnaire, he lied. He glossed over the fact that this was a months-long legal battle, he lost his car, he was on probation, and that he was transporting “dangerous drugs”.
When will Mark Udall stop lying to Colorado? If you don’t believe us, check out the newspaper articles to the right and below.
It happened in 1973 so it's ok? Slavery happened over a hundred years ago is that ok too?
It's weird so many people think a 22 year old is a child. He was a drug dealer.
Geez. He was a kid. It was the 70's. if this is all you've got it's pretty slim.
doesn't matter 1973 or 1963 he still broke the LAW
It is a political dynasty. http://www.dailycamera.com/boulder-county-news/ci_25027665/jed-udall-heroin-vehicular-trespassing-arrest-boulder-county
Samantha Your Ilk uses this tactic time after time after time . Touche and Deja Vu. The Dems smear and use stuff like this .. like beating a dead horse…hey Doll it's still dead..
Argument Null n void
Just a note, having known Udall for several years, what you need to know is that you are defending him (without him knowing it) a whole lot more than he would ever defend you, (unless there was a camera and a reporter present)..
Riff Schmidt thats new one… works!
Stinky pooper
Really, Peak? Really?? How very anti-nannyist state and pro-liberty *eyeroll* (you know…those stalwart Republican ideals…)
I hate the use of minor law run ins (yes I consider drug use/purchase/sales to be trivial#duh) to discredit political candidates. If anything it is this real world experience that makes them more in touch with the people they are elected to represent. Especially when 25% of the American population will be incarcerated or have interactions with our criminal justice system. But more importantly:
A) who cares
B) he was a kid and
C) your blog is on the side of anti drug war and has been good on the cannabis issue in general yet you dredge this up. You can do better. Either the drug war is bullshit or it isnt but you shouldn't use it as a political weapon when it's convenient. Gross.
1973? REALLY?
Not to mention the amphetamines. Of course we have to ignore that part of the story.
Stephen…the last person who was not evil to some degree was crucified…by us. He wasn't interested in polls or political outcomes. That was 2000 years ago and EVERY election since has been a choice between the lessor of 2 evils. That's life in the big city. Sorry.
So the 3rd guy ain't evil? Really?
Just askin'? No. Really. If we, conservative, republican, not drinking the Kool-Aid, still able to compute simple interest, folk, cannot see that if we don't control the majority of something, then we control NOTHING. So, then we spend the rest of the time allowed by our foes, to bitch about how THEY use the power they've earned at the ballot box and ending up simply boring each other to death. If that is how you envision the future, PLEASE DO NOT actually show up for the next couple of elections and instead keep hoarding weapons and telling the rest of us how "They'll take your guns out of your cold dead hands". They will by the way, because you refused to SHOW UP TO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!! Am I not being clear? Do I stutter?
The choice of the lessor or two evils is still choosing evil. This just proves we need a 3 party system. SHIT is broken.
IF, IF we, let me reiterate, WE send him home. Yeah, Cory ain't perfect. Cory's human, but I hear all kinds of people on "our side" saying they won't vote for Cory because (fill in the blank). We. Republicans. Conservatives are our own worst enemy. Every democrat in Colorado will vote for Udall at least once. Will we show up for our candidate? Just askin'
Do we really have to go this far back and lower ourselves to the Liberal level? We have enough to get him removed now!
Udall is a LIAR! Fire him in 2014.
I was against the law then, The Law didn't allow for such activities.. He Broke the law and his daddy got him off, makes a criminal out of both of them and the DA too…
Tim Williamson Hard for him to concentrate when he's high. I'm sure he thought he was completely coherent.
Syntax, spelling…………
You idiots a blunt a respect full blunt its 1.0g oz=28g 28 blunts … 3 oz would be for people who aren't stupid and broke and understand now there many more details that most of you won't understand since you still see weed as a drug when is a simple herb and dont understand the culture that revolves around it and no the gangs and the black market stuff is do to prohibition remember what happen with liquor?
Come November, it'll be water under the bridge when we send this scumbag packing along with chickenpooper.
Come November, it'll be water under the bridge when we send this scumbag packing along with chickenpooper.
Come November, it'll be water under the bridge when we send this scumbag packing along with chickenpooper.
Udall can't stop lying.. After all the lies he's told, he can't remember the TRUTH.. I think Oblamer got that from Him..
Udall can't stop lying.. After all the lies he's told, he can't remember the TRUTH.. I think Oblamer got that from Him..
October Surprise, surprise, surprise……