If you were expecting us to cheer the resignation of Chuck Plunkett from the Denver Post, today is just not your day.

We are always up for a good game of bash the liberal media, but we have no real bones to pick with Plunkett.

He took over the editorial page post in 2016, and quickly developed a reputation for giving conservatives a pretty fair shake.

On many occasions, he was even known to side with us, mostly on matters of economic importance. And he was leading the liberal paper’s editorial page when they endorsed, gasp, a Republican for the Senate. That would be Cory Gardner.

He will go down in newspaper history for standing up for his own at the Denver Post after one too many layoffs, giving the company’s owners quite a word-smacking while surviving to tell the tale.

A month later, seeing no other choice but to abide by the Post’s new direction (right or wrong) or strike out on his own, Plunkett has chosen to take his talents elsewhere.

He will be sorely missed.


So long, Plunkett, and thank you for your dedication to your craft, your city, and for giving Republicans a break.


Updated: We deleted several graphs comparing Plunkett’s situation to the firing of Dave Krieger, Boulder Daily Camera editorial page editor, after it was brought to our attention that Krieger published an editorial bashing the paper’s owner on his own blog, not a competing blog. We regret that error.