The Oct. 13 debate between Colorado’s U.S. Senate candidates will be all about the moderator, Kyle Clark.
With a newly minted mute button firmly in hand, Clark is determined to control when U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner gets to speak, or when John Hickenlooper is saying something stupid and needs media protection.
President Trump’s debate behavior was unlike anything seen in decades of #9News debates in Colorado. But since many asked, we will cut the mic of a candidate who violates debate rules & won’t let an opponent be heard. We’re confident this won’t occur in the Oct 13 Senate debate.
— Kyle Clark (@KyleClark) September 30, 2020
Hickenlooper may come across as hapless and in desperate need of media protection like Joe Biden, but Gardner’s debate style is nothing like President Trump and Clark knows this.
Trump could make ordering a beer sound menacing, whereas Gardner would likely add, “please.”
Clark just wants all the attention to be on him, his hair, his own bombastic views, did we mention his hair?
Clark is clearly worried he can’t be the star of the night without a mute button at his disposal to continually draw attention back to himself.
And Clark might actually need it if Hickenlooper suddenly blurts out “Green lives matter!” while Gardner is pontificating on the federal role in resuscitating the state’s economy.
Hickenlooper was quick to thank Clark for vowing to step in if the debate gets too feisty, and pleaded for other Senate debate moderators to follow Clark’s lead.
Thank you for leading the way for more civil debates.
All #COSen debate sponsors should adopt this rule.
I’m sure Senator Gardner would agree that this is best for Colorado voters.
— John Hickenlooper (@Hickenlooper) September 30, 2020
Hickenlooper has turned down six debates with Gardner so he’s clearly afraid voters will reject him once they hear his radical views wither in the grip of Gardner’s grasp on reality.
Still, it’s absurd to see Hick and Clark suggest Gardner would be overtly aggressive in a debate.
It’s almost like they’re daring Gardner to defend himself and green-lighting Hickenlooper to go on the attack.
As if he competently could.