An advocate for wolves who broke the state’s lobbying law in pursuit of legislation to restrict livestock protections got a slap on the wrist by Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office.

Stephen Capra was handed a measly $250 fine after admitting he broke the law and failed to register as a lobbyist and disclose clients and fees.

He was lobbying for House Bill 1375, sponsored by Democrat state Rep. Tammy Story of Evergreen. It would have mandated so-called nonlethal coexistence between livestock owners and the wolves killing their animals.

The legislation never made it out of committee, failing on a 4-9 vote.

Apparently, Capra’s incompetence as a lobbyist was a factor in letting him off the hook.

From Colorado Politics:

The Elections Division noted “mitigating factors,” that the violation was not extensive and occurred for only a few hours over a two-day period, and it was only on one House bill that did not pass. The division also noted that Capra was cooperative.

So, if you get busted for illegal lobbying but you admit to it, and your efforts failed anyway, no foul.

We’re willing to bet if he had been lobbying on behalf of ranchers and the livestock community, they’d have thrown the book at him.