Colorado State Rep. Steven Woodrow is an idiot, and so are the folks at 9News who relayed the Democrat’s story about why he used legislative privilege to avoid a speeding ticket.

Only the story didn’t mention he was a Democrat, and it tried to make Woodrow’s ridiculous claims sound somehow noble.

Woodrow was successful in avoiding the $40 speeding ticket for doing 48 mph through a residential 35 mph zone.

Woodrow said part of the reason he challenged the ticket was because he was being shadowed by a high school AP government student.


“I thought it would be fun to spice things up a little bit and see if we could beat a traffic ticket using the provision of the state constitution,” Woodrow said.


“It was an exciting morning in court,” Woodrow said. “I should have probably given you a heads up so you could have come see it live in action.”

The Colorado Constitution protects state lawmakers from arrest for minor infractions while they are in session and traveling to the Capitol for official business.

Woodrow boasted that no lawmaker had ever used the claim, and he just wanted to see if it worked.

Also, the lawmaker pledged to pass a law and outlaw photo radar vans from catching him speeding again.